Colored Pencil Art with Eva Brinner
Date: Fridays, February 21 – March 28, 2025 (6 weeks)
Time: 9:30am- 12:00 noon
Fee: Non-Members $185 / Members $155
DESCRIPTION: Bring your creativity and have fun exploring and learning the Art of Colored Pencil, whether you are a beginner or are simply wanting to sharpen your skills. Colored Pencil Art basics will be taught through two initial projects, leading to using these skills for your own art. Bring the supplies you already have to start or bring the ones below. Colored Pencil Art has a short list of materials and is very portable. People say working with colored pencils is very calming, and very Zen!
PRISMACOLOR Premier Soft Core pencils, minimum 72 pencils or ‘whole hog’ 150
(Do NOT buy student grade or ‘Verithins’)
Strathmore Bristol VELLUM (NOT smooth) paper, 400 or 500 series. Do NOT buy Mixed Media or if it says “Colored Pencil paper”. Just Bristol VELLUM
Fabre Castell kneaded eraser. (Do not buy Michael’s brand)
2h Pencil
ZMOL battery operated electric pencil sharpener ($9) or similar