Cape Cod Art Center strives to assist its Artist Members to promote their artwork, providing a supportive environment for education and exhibitions. We believe that an Artists’ accomplishments should be promoted with the goal of displaying and selling in prestigious galleries and museums and advertising their works that merit awards. This award will assist in the added publicity needed to reach these goals. The Award will be given out at the Reception for the All New England Exhibit starting in 2023 and every year thereafter.
- Based on the number of Best of Show/1st place awards in the Artists’ category
- Based on the number of People’s Choice Awards
- Based on the number of sales from the Gallery or the Gift Gallery
- Based on the number of exhibits entered at CCAC and the number of Open Juried Show or Online Show Acceptances
- Based on contributions to CCAC in the area of teaching, volunteering and/or serving on a committee.
The office will keep track of participation and the winner will be notified after the Jurors have selected the All New England entries (the last exhibit in the year). Every criteria will be considered to put together a resume for each artist during the year. The winner will be selected based on the above categories, with the first category having the most weight.
The winner will receive $500, their name on a plaque in the Lobby, featured in an article in the December Palette and publicity in the media throughout Cape Cod and all New England Art Centers.