I Didn’t Know You Could Do THAT with Lightroom!
Gain a greater understanding of Adobe Lightroom Classic’s newest capabilities with sliders and masks to make ultra precise exposure and color adjustments and bring out the finest, tiniest local details possible in your image, details that could normally be hidden in your image’s shadows and highlights if you limit yourself to only using this great editing program’s overall image (coarse) slider adjustments.
Bio: Bob Singer, MNEC, is a CCAC Juried Master Artist in Photography whose images have won hundreds of awards in exhibitions around the world and have appeared in and on the covers of national publications, in advertising, annual reports, brochures and on packaging. His limited editions hang in galleries, homes and offices across the US, Canada and Europe. Bob has been teaching classes, leading workshops, presenting programs and judging exhibitions at photo conventions, camera clubs and art centers from New England to Florida for over 35 years.
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