How do I become a Juried Artist Member at Cape Cod Art Center?
1. You must be an Associate Member with Cape Cod Art Center. You may sign up for membership HERE
2. You must be current with your annual membership if you have already joined as an Associate Member. If you need to renew your membership, please do so HERE
3. Download and review the 2025 Portfolio Review Requirements.
4. Call the office to sign up for Portfolio Review (508) 362-2909. Space is limited and on a first call basis. Portfolio Reviews are held on Tuesdays for Fine Art and Fridays for Fine Art Photography. See below for 2025 dates. Your portfolio may be brought to the Gallery at least 24 hours prior to the Review Day from 9AM–4PM. You must sign up at least 48 hours in advance of a portfolio review date. Works for Fine Arts & Photography judging must be brought in at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled date.
Portfolio Review– 2025
Procedure for CCAC Juried Artist Membership
ONLY CCAC MEMBERS MAY APPLY TO BE JURIED – New members may pay dues at time of review.
Fine Art Painting & Sculpture:
February 11, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 8, August 5, September 2, October 7, November 4, December 2
Fine Art Photography and Digital Art:
February 14, March 7, April 4, May 9, June 6, July 11, August 8, September 5, October 3, November 7, December 5
Fine Art Painting & Sculpture Portfolio Review is always held on a Tuesday and Fine Art Photography on a Friday. Upon acceptance, you will be juried into one specific medium. If you are interested in multiple mediums you must be juried into each medium individually.
Please call the Cape Cod Art Center 508-362-2909 prior to the Review Day so that you may be listed as a candidate. The dates of reviews are posted in the monthly Palette, on the CCAC web site (, and at the CCAC front desk. Space is limited to a first call basis.
A panel of jurors will judge this submitted work.
Sculptors may bring 2-5 pieces to the gallery. However, if bringing less than 5, the balance should be represented by portfolio, email or website images (two views of each sculpture) to be viewed by the judges.
Your portfolio may be brought to the Gallery from Monday – Thursday prior to the Review Day from 9:00 – 3:00pm. Pieces for judging will not be accepted on the same day of Portfolio Review.
Fees for portfolio review are as follows:
First Attempt: $20.00
Repeat Attempts: including jurying into a different medium $10.00
Unsuccessful candidates may reapply, it is strongly suggested that the candidate give themselves at least a full year of serious study before doing so. It is recommended that you provide the most recent portfolio review date so we may refer to our records.
The judges look for consistency of quality; one or two pieces of a lesser quality can disqualify the candidate. The decision of the judges will be mailed to you immediately following the review. Office staff does not have access to jurors’ results. Your work should be picked up Friday, between the hours of noon and 3:00PM.
Drawing ability shows:
( ) Observational skills
( ) Expressive qualities
Knowledge of media
( ) Mastery of technique in all media
( ) Knowledge of color, value, light
( ) Makes use of media effectively
( ) Understands range of possibilities
( ) Shows consistency of technique in all/most of works
( ) Shows confident application and manipulation of media
( ) Work expresses mood, feeling, atmosphere, temperature, weather, time of day
( ) Expresses artist’s point of view
( ) Center of interest, focal point
( ) Movement within the work leads to focal point
( ) Balance of color, value, light while still creating center of interest
( ) Artist has unique point of view or particular interest
( ) Artist is using media to communicate specific mood/feeling
( ) Artist is pushing limits of traditional color, composition
Use a check to show evidence of criteria = 1 pt.
Use a + to show exceptional achievement = 2 pt.
Leave blank if little or no evidence = 0
Master Artist Review – 2025
Procedure for CCAC Master Artist Membership
Master Artist Portfolio Review is held twice a year: March 12th and September 17th
Please call the Cape Cod Art Center 508-362-2909 prior to the Review Day so that you may be listed as a candidate.
Dues for Master Artist Membership are $85
Master Artist Member Privileges:
-Be listed in every program-advertising their upcoming exhibits
-Have a star or insignia next to their name in the program
-Have a metal tag displayed under their work when hung at CCAC
Eligibility for Master Artist Membership:
–Must be a paid Juried Member of CCAC for the last 5 years
–Must be juried into at least 3 nationally advertised exhibits at CCAC – show certificate or program
–Must be juried into at least 3 nationally advertised exhibits in other locations – show certificate or program
–Must have won a minimum of 2 awards in the national shows listed – show certificate or program.
–A portfolio on memory stick or email of five of their most recent works
–Application fee, first attempt $20 second attempt $10
–A resume including your education/art training and your art affiliations.
Fees for Master portfolio review are as follows:
First Attempt:Repeat Attempts:
$20.00 $10.00
Application must be complete and thorough in order for it to be considered. The decision of the judges will be mailed to you following the review. Notification will be at least a few weeks after the submission deadline. Office staff does not have access to the juror’s results.
Cape Cod Art Center
Master Artist Application
Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________
First Attempt: $20
Second Attempt: $10
Please return with a check payable to: Cape Cod Art Center, PO BOX 85, Barnstable, MA 02630
Please list 3 nationally advertised exhibits you were a part of at CCAC, including year.
*note- The National and All New England have always been nationally advertised with CCAC. All Cape Cod has been nationally advertised from 2012 and on. Show evidence by including either a letter, certificate or program.
Please list 3 nationally advertised exhibits you were a part of in other locations besides CCAC, please include location & date. Please show evidence of participation in these exhibits.
Please list at least 2 awards received in any nationally advertised show.
(__) I have included my biography or CV. (Please check box)
Please include as attachments either a program reflecting your participation or a website link listing your name as part of the exhibits listed above. Along with a thumb drive of 5 works completed within the past 3 years.
For Office Use Only:
CD Received__________Programs/Websites_____________
Entry Form_____________Payment____________Receipt #________________