Calling All Digital Artists — Join NOW
December 15, 2022
Digital Artists,
Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a Happy New Year! Our group is growing and expanding
worldwide. We are happy to see that this art form is exploding in museums, galleries and by a responsive
public. There are so many things we want to accomplish in the future to support Digital Art and we need
your help.
We will be holding some online exhibits, invited to show in a Museum and will start a newsletter to let
you know what is happening around the world. Please notify us of events, opportunities and exhibits
that Digital Artists can take advantage of, so we can publicize what’s going on to everyone.
Now that we are growing, the need to charge for membership is apparent. We will hire staff to produce
the newsletter, maintain the website and communicate with you.
Help us to accomplish this by subscribing at the low rate of $10/month. We hope that you all will sign on by January 31, 2023 when will be making changes to the current log-in availability. If you want to serve on a Board of Directors, let us know.
Your involvement will help us to grow, publicize and promote what you are doing!
Thanks for coming along on this exciting journey.
Roberta Miller